2023 ETUG Fall Workshop: The Evolving EdTech User
4. Briana Fraser, Lindsay Tripp & Luke McKnight | Reading Lists: A welcome addition to our LMS
In the Summer 2023 semester, Langara launched Reading Lists for all courses. Adoption of the tool was initiated by the Library and supported by the Educational Technology department. With Reading Lists, instructors can create and manage reading lists of online and physical resources. In this presentation, Lindsay Tripp (Copyright Librarian), Luke McKnight (Assistive Technologist), and Briana Fraser (Learning Technologist) will tell the story of one instructor’s adoption of the tool to highlight how it improves the student and instructor experience in the LMS; improves accessibility; streamlines processes for providing accessible content; helps ensure copyright compliance; and facilitates collaboration between including EdTech, the Library, and Accessibility Services.
Recorded November 10, 2023
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