BCcampus webinar hosted June 4, 2024.
Moderator: Dr. Seanna Takacs
Panelists: Latham Antonnissen Maxwell, Katelyn Watson, Kyle Baillie,
Lisa DeWinter
The Government of British Columbia passed the Accessible British Columbia Act in 2021. It provides a framework to identify, remove, and prevent barriers to accessibility. The law is an important step to make B.C. a more accessible province.
This panel will have a conversation about the implementation of the Accessible B.C. Act in post-secondary settings. Covering a range of topics from the creation of accessibility committees to inclusive design principles, and from fostering feedback mechanisms to addressing access gaps, the panel will discuss concerns important to students, instructors, and post-secondary service providers. We hope to shed light on the challenges arising during the implementation of this new legislation and work towards creating an inclusive and accessible future for post-secondary education.
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