BCcampus hosted webinar hosted May 22, 2024.
Facilitators: Harper Friedman, Alan Levine
Presenters: Lauren Lichtman, Jacob Pierce
In this webinar, we introduce you to the Kolibri platform from Learning Equality. The Kolibri platform has been successfully deployed in over 200 countries and territories to provide tech-enabled learning opportunities and access to quality digital resources in places where internet access is lacking.
In this webinar, Lauren Lichtman and Jacob Pierce from Learning Equality will share examples of where Kolibri has successfully provided learning in places without internet access. They will demonstrate how it works from a learner and educator perspective, plus provide an understanding of how the platform provides digital content, and how it can be customized for local use.
Alan Levine and Harper Friedman will provide a demonstration of how BCcampus open textbook titles with interactive content such as H5P and video have been migrated to Kolibri and can be made available without access to the online versions. Beyond making the BCcampus content available, we seek ideas on how this approach might be used for learners in the province without broadband internet access.
Attachments: Slides (PDF), Transcript (PDF, DOCX, txt).
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