Search for tag: "sexual violence"

Intersectional Sexualized Violence Project: New Resource Showcase (September 19, 2024)

Intersectional Sexualized Violence Project: New Resource Showcase BCcampus webinar hosted September 19, 2024 Host: Robynne Devine Presenters: Matty Hillman, Samantha Matute Arrieta, Meaghan Hagerty,…

From  Support 0 likes 30 plays

Supporting Survivors Facilitator's Workshop

Supporting Survivors Facilitator's Workshop (March 23, 2022) Facilitator: Matty Hillman, Selkirk College This session takes a deep dive into the Supporting Survivors: Training and Facilitation…

From  Paula Gaube 0 likes 26 plays

Preventing and Responding to Sexualized Violence through Sharing and Collaboration

Selkirk College, College of Rockies, and North Island College present a partnership to plan and deliver a series of BCcampus sexual violence and prevention training workshops. This session will cover…

From  Paula Gaube 0 likes 23 plays

Technology-Facilitated Sexual Violence: What Rights Do Students Have? (Part 2)

This presentation is part 2 of a 2-part webinar series. This session covers aspects of criminal law, family law, tort law, privacy law, and copyright law. This workshop will provide a broad overview…

From  Paula Gaube 0 likes 18 plays

Technology-Facilitated Sexual Violence: What It Is and How To Help (Part 1)

Technology-Facilitated Sexual Violence: What It Is and How To Help (Part 1) Moderator: Robynne Devine Facilitators: Suzie Dunn, Cynthia Khoo Technology is increasingly used by abusers to…

From  Paula Gaube 0 likes 58 plays

Consent and Sexual Violence Facilitator's Workshop (March 3, 2022)

Consent and Sexual Violence Facilitator's Workshop (March 3, 2022) This session is offered as part of a series of webinars focused on student wellness in partnership with the Ministry of…

From  Paula Gaube 0 likes 63 plays

Active Bystander Intervention – Facilitator Workshop (Jan. 12, 2022)

BCcampus webinar hosted January 12, 2022. Facilitators: Meaghan Hagerty and Amber Huva This 90-minute session will take took a deep dive into the Active Bystander Intervention: Training and…

From  Kelsey Kilbey 0 likes 35 plays

Accountability and Repairing Relationships Workshop: Part Two

This recording is Part Two of a two-part workshop, designed to support B.C. post-secondary institutions with the delivery of the recently released Accountability and Repairing Relationships: Training…

From  Kelsey Kilbey 0 likes 12 plays

Accountability and Repairing Relationships Workshop: Part One

This recording is Part One of a two-part workshop, designed to support B.C. post-secondary institutions with the delivery of the recently released Accountability and Repairing Relationships: Training…

From  Paula Gaube 0 likes 24 plays