Search for tag: "generative ai"

FLO Lab: Fostering Inclusive Learning Environments – The Synergy of Generative Artificial Intelligence and Universal Design for Learning (June 26, 2024)

FLO Lab: Fostering Inclusive Learning Environments – The Synergy of Generative Artificial Intelligence and Universal Design for LearningJune 26, 2024 Facilitators: Lucas Wright and Dr. Afsaneh…

From  Support 0 likes 54 plays

14. Gwen Nguyen | Enhancing the Human Aspects in Designing Learning with Generative AI (2024 ETUG Spring Workshop)

2024 ETUG Spring Workshop: Digital Literacy Today – Day 2, May 10, 2024. Gwen Nguyen | Enhancing the Human Aspects in Designing Learning with Generative AI This workshop aims to empower…

From  Support 0 likes 14 plays

11. John Born | Sound by AI: AI-Driven Sound in Education (2024 ETUG Spring Workshop)

2024 ETUG Spring Workshop: Digital Literacy Today – Day 2, May 10, 2024. John Born | Sound by AI: AI-Driven Sound in EducationWhen you try to use online AI sound design tools, you often…

From  Support 0 likes 10 plays

9. Sally Goldberg Powell | Assessing Assessments, PartyRock style (2024 ETUG Spring Workshop)

2024 ETUG Spring Workshop: Digital Literacy Today – Day 2, May 10, 2024. Sally Goldberg Powell | Assessing Assessments, PartyRock style: No-code GenAI-powered apps No this isn’t about the…

From  Support 0 likes 13 plays

FLO Panel: The Creative and Ethical Use of Artificial Intelligence in Post-Secondary Education — a B.C. Perspective (Jan. 16, 2024)

BCcampus webinar hosted January 16, 2024. Host: Helena Prins Panelists: Alejandra Silvera Calvo, Fuat Ramazanov, Stacey Linton, Dr. Leeann Waddington, Clint Lalonde In Spring 2023 we brought the…

From  Support 0 likes 69 plays

3. Ian Linkletter | Creating Alt Text with Generative AI (ETUG Fall 2023)

2023 ETUG Fall Workshop: The Evolving EdTech User 3. Ian Linkletter | Creating Alt Text with Generative AI With many ethical concerns including bias, misinformation, environmental impact, working…

From  Support 0 likes 20 plays

2. Luke McKnight | Accessibility of AI Interfaces (ETUG Fall 2023)

2023 ETUG Fall Workshop: The Evolving EdTech User 2. Luke McKnight | Accessibility of AI Interfaces The accessibility and usability of AI tools has been largely ignored. New research shows there is…

From  Support 0 likes 55 plays

12. Carrie Fry, R. John Robertson | Risks, Realities, and Ruminations on the Probabilistic Web

ETUG Spring Workshop 2023 – Day 2. 12. Carrie Fry, R. John Robertson | Risks, Realities, and Ruminations on the Probabilistic Web Recorded June 2, 2023 Current AI tools use large language…

From  Paula Gaube 0 likes 26 plays

11. Gwen Nguyen | Supporting Students’ Well-Being when Learning with AI

ETUG Spring Workshop 2023 – Day 2. 11. Gwen Nguyen | Supporting Students’ Well-Being when Learning with AI Recorded June 2, 2023We are all immersed in technology for our social,…

From  Paula Gaube 0 likes 27 plays

10. Sue Hellman | ChatGPT: Foe, friend, or paradigm-shifting challenge

ETUG Spring Workshop 2023 – Day 2. 10. Sue Hellman | ChatGPT: Foe, friend, or paradigm-shifting challenge Recorded June 2, 2023Technological innovation comes in 3 flavours: catastrophic (the…

From  Paula Gaube 0 likes 41 plays

6. Susan Bonham, Erin Hagen, Alex Samur | Managing the Panic, Highlighting the Opportunities: Generative AI workshops for faculty

ETUG Spring Workshop 2023 – Day 1. 6. Susan Bonham, Erin Hagen, Alex Samur | Managing the Panic, Highlighting the Opportunities: Generative AI workshops for faculty Recorded June 1, 2023…

From  Paula Gaube 0 likes 38 plays

5. Grace Seo, Traynor Hansen | Why are we Doing This Again?: Will AI writing tools push us to reconsider the way we assess?

ETUG Spring Workshop 2023 – Day 1. 5. Grace Seo, Traynor Hansen | Why are we Doing This Again?: Will AI writing tools push us to reconsider the way we assess? Recorded June 1, 2023 AI…

From  Paula Gaube 0 likes 47 plays

4. Gwen Nguyen | (Academic) Integrity and ChatGPT

ETUG Spring Workshop 2023 – Day 1. 4. Gwen Nguyen | (Academic) Integrity and ChatGPT Recorded June 1, 2023 One of the most controversial concerns about ChatGPT in higher education is related…

From  Paula Gaube 0 likes 63 plays