Search for tag: "instructional design"

14. Gwen Nguyen | Enhancing the Human Aspects in Designing Learning with Generative AI (2024 ETUG Spring Workshop)

2024 ETUG Spring Workshop: Digital Literacy Today – Day 2, May 10, 2024. Gwen Nguyen | Enhancing the Human Aspects in Designing Learning with Generative AI This workshop aims to empower…

From  Support 0 likes 17 plays

8. Brian Lorraine | Institutional Adoption of Blended Courses – A Multi-Year Pilot at SFU (2024 ETUG Spring Workshop)

2024 ETUG Spring Workshop: Digital Literacy Today – Day 2, May 10, 2024. Brian Lorraine | Institutional Adoption of Blended Courses – A Multi-Year Pilot at SFU From the Spring of 2022…

From  Support 0 likes 20 plays

1. Youdan Zhang & Oleg Lungu | Student Learning Experience During the Covid 19 Pandemic – Implications for Learning Design (ETUG Fall 2023)

2023 ETUG Fall Workshop: The Evolving EdTech User 1. Youdan Zhang & Oleg Lungu | Student Learning Experience During the Covid 19 Pandemic – Implications for Learning Design As we leave…

From  Support 0 likes 19 plays

8. Dave Smulders, Junsong Zhang | Evolving Considerations for Experiential Learning Design in Digital Environments

ETUG Spring Workshop 2023 – Day 1. 8. Dave Smulders, Junsong Zhang | Evolving Considerations for Experiential Learning Design in Digital Environments Recorded June 1, 2023 The Justice…

From  Paula Gaube 0 likes 25 plays

Fun FLO Friday: Create a Digital Escape Room as a Learning Activity (January 15, 2021)

Fun FLO Friday: Create a Digital Escape Room as a Learning Activity BCcampus webinar recorded on January 15, 2021 Facilitator: Jamie Billingham Moderator: Helena Prins Instructional Designer Jamie…

From  Paula Gaube 0 likes 54 plays

Instructional Design: Practice Problems in Open Textbooks (Aug 27, 2020)

In this webinar, Julie Maier and JR Dingwall bring in instructional design knowledge and experience in using H5P activities into open textbooks. As cooking is more than just tossing ingredients into…

From  Paula Gaube 0 likes 12 plays