Search for tag: "eportfolio"

9. Diane Thompson, Susan Bonham | Beyond the ePortfolio: Enhancing digital literacy with PebblePad

ETUG Spring Workshop 2023 – Day 2. 9. Diane Thompson, Susan Bonham | Beyond the ePortfolio: Enhancing digital literacy with PebblePad Recorded June 2, 2023Digital literacy has become a…

From  Paula Gaube 0 likes 32 plays

3. Lisa Gedak, Sam Kirk | Celebrating the Whole Student: Using ePortfolios to create meaningful learning experiences and authentically assess learning

ETUG Spring Workshop 2023 – Day 1. 3. Lisa Gedak, Sam Kirk | Celebrating the Whole Student: Using ePortfolios to create meaningful learning experiences and authentically assess…

From  Paula Gaube 0 likes 40 plays

Uploading artifacts to your eportfolio

How to upload documents, videos, photos, and audio clips to your OpenETC eportfolio site. Also includes information on how to search Google for openly licensed content that can be used in your…

From  Clint Lalonde 0 likes 0 plays

Setting up a new e-portfolio site

Instructions on how to create a new Wordpress-based eportfolio site using the OpenETC site. Note that some of the instructions in this video reference KPU specifically, but also apply to other users…

From  Clint Lalonde 0 likes 6 plays