Search for tag: "inclusive design"

Improve the accessibility of your online course

This video provides some concrete things you can do to improve the accessibility of your online course for all of your students and highlights some free tools that can make that process easier.

From  Josie Gray 0 likes 175 plays

Inclusive Design Webinar Series Part 4: Inaccessibility

This webinar aims to highlight overlooked or unrealized accessibility barriers by giving concrete examples of what might make something inaccessible and how that barrier might present for different…

From  Josie Gray 0 likes 28 plays

Inclusive Design Webinar Series Part 3: Pressbooks

In this webinar, we cover the things you need to keep in mind when authoring textbooks in Pressbooks in order to ensure they are accessible in all formats. This webinar will highlight accessibility…

From  Josie Gray 0 likes 18 plays

Inclusive Design Webinar Series Part 2: Presentations

Description: In this webinar, we cover how to make your presentation materials accessible. This material will be most applicable to those who use PowerPoint, but the basic principles can be applied…

From  Support 0 likes 70 plays

Inclusive Design Webinar Series Part 1: Inclusive Design

Description:Jess Mitchell from the Inclusive Design Research Centre (IDRC) joins us to talk about Inclusive Design. She touches on ideas like inclusion, design, transformation, innovation, access,…

From  Support 0 likes 102 plays