Search for tag: "wil"

Discovering Open Education Through Work-Integrated Learning

For Open Education Week, take a break from webinars and tune into a conversation between four former undergraduate students who discovered open education through a co-op work term with BCcampus! We…

From  Paula Gaube 0 likes 11 plays

ACE-WIL Virtual Townhall – Support Strategies (Oct 27, 2020)

BCcampus webinar recorded October 27, 2020 Five students share their stories with ACE-WIL members and career centre staff in this one-hour webinar. The students discuss how the pandemic has affected…

From  Paula Gaube 0 likes 3 plays

ACE-WIL Town Hall – Let’s Connect (Sept. 29, 2020)

BCcampus webinar hosted September 29, 2020. Join BCcampus and the Association for Co-operative Education and Work-Integrated Learning BC/Yukon (ACE-WIL) on September 29 to discover the latest…

From  Kelsey Kilbey 0 likes 0 plays

ACE-WIL Virtual Town Hall #7: Planning the Online Pivot (Part 2) (June 30, 2020)

ACE-WIL Virtual Town Hall #7 Facilitators: Lindsay Wood and Meg Thompson (Co-chairs of the ACE-WIL Professional Development Committee) Host: Helena Prins (BCcampus) Recorded June 30, 2020 Webinar…

From  Paula Gaube 0 likes 0 plays

ACE-WIL Virtual Town Hall # 6: Planning the Online Pivot (Part 1) (June 16, 2020)

ACE-WIL Virtual Town Hall #6 Facilitator: Jennie Nilsson Hosted by: Helena Prins (BCcampus) Recorded: June 16, 2020 During this collaborative session members of ACE-WIL discussed challenges and…

From  Paula Gaube 0 likes 0 plays

ACE-WIL Town Hall #5 (June 2, 2020)

BCcampus Webinar held on June 2, 2020. Two experts, Sarah Chettleburgh, Counsellor, Royal Roads University, and Miranda Massie, Workplace Wellbeing Practices & Learning Consultant, UBC, give us…

From  Paula Gaube 0 likes 8 plays

ACE-WIL Town Hall #4 - Student Wellness

How are your work-integrated learning (WIL) students managing during the COVID-19 pandemic? What resources are students seeking and what’s available for them? Are you seeing a spike in students…

From  Helena Prins 0 likes 0 plays

ACE-WIL Virtual Town Hall #3 (April 29, 2020)

Let's Talk About Virtual Internships! What does a meaningful virtual internship look like? How do you provide a positive work experience for students while not being able to meet…

From  Paula Gaube 0 likes 0 plays

WIL: Funding Streams and Opportunities in times of COVID19 - April 21, 2020

In this webinar you will learn more about WIL funding supports still available to students and employers amidst the unprecedented times of COVID19. Representatives from ICTC (Information…

From  Helena Prins 0 likes 4 plays

ACE-WIL Virtual Town Hall #2 (April 15, 2020)

Hosted by BCcampus and lead by president of ACE-WIL, Jennie Nilsson. This session includes conversations with funding partners who are negotiating the impact of COVID-19 on internships. Please note…

From  Helena Prins 0 likes 1 plays

ACE-WIL Boost your #WILPower 2: Indigenous Initiatives in BC (March 17,2020)

"Boost your #WILPower 2: Indigenous Initiatives in BC" Presented by: Jewell Gillies (Okanagan College) Karima Raji, Renee Livernoche, and Natallia Gagne (University of Victoria) Hosted by: …

From  Paula Gaube 0 likes 0 plays

ACE-WIL 3 Impact of COVID-19 on WIL programs in BC/Yukon (March 31, 2020)

"Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on WIL programs in BC/Yukon" Virtual Townhall, March 31, 2020 Presented by: Jennie Nillson (President of ACE-WIL: Association for Co-operative Education and…

From  Paula Gaube 0 likes 2 plays

ACE-WIL WILPower #1 (March 10, 2020)

"Boost your #WILPower 1: ACE-WIL 2020" Webinar celebrating ACE-WIL 2020 and Co-op Students of the Year. Presented by: Jennie Nilsson (President of ACE-WIL BC/Yukon) Moderated by: Caleb…

From  Paula Gaube 0 likes 1 plays