Search for tag: "students"

Student Voices on Neurodiversity: A Panel Discussion (Feb. 4, 2025)

Supporting Neurodiversity in Post-Secondary Education Series Session 1: Student Voices on Neurodiversity: A Panel Discussion February 4, 2025 Panelists: Kaeli Sort, Hallie Brown, Alysha Gallant…

From  Support 0 likes 65 plays

ACE-WIL Virtual Townhall – Support Strategies (Oct 27, 2020)

BCcampus webinar recorded October 27, 2020 Five students share their stories with ACE-WIL members and career centre staff in this one-hour webinar. The students discuss how the pandemic has affected…

From  Paula Gaube 0 likes 3 plays

Adapting to COVID-19: Establishing and Building a Stronger Relationship with Your Supervisor

BCcampus webinar recorded on September 15, 2020 This webinar discusses ways that graduate students can build a strong working relationship with their supervisor and committee members to support…

From  Paula Gaube 0 likes 7 plays

Being Trauma-Informed and Building Resilience During COVID-19 (June 10, 2020)

BCcampus webinar held on June 10, 2020 Facilitators: Nancy Poole (JIBC), Elizabeth (Betty) Poag (Camosun College), and Lenora Marcellus (UVic) Moderator: Duane Seibel for BCcampus This webinar…

From  Paula Gaube 0 likes 1 plays

Fear & Anxiety related to COVID-19 (June 3, 2020)

BCcampus Webinar held on June 3, 2020 This webinar discusses issues related to fear and anxiety and shares strategies that foster healthy mental well-being. Facilitators: Rhonda Schmitz, Claire…

From  Paula Gaube 0 likes 0 plays

Promoting and Practicing Self-Compassion (May 26, 2020)

BCcampus Webinar held on May 26, 2020 Facilitators: Sarah Lefebure and Samantha Johnson (Okanagan College) Moderator & Host: Robynne Devine (BCcampus) Now is an excellent time to learn new ways…

From  Paula Gaube 0 likes 2 plays

Supporting Survivors: A Skill-building Workshop for Students During COVID-19 (May 20, 2020)

BCcampus Webinar held on May 20, 2020. Facilitators: Paloma Ponti and Kenya Rogers Moderator: Alexia ManchonHost: Robynne Devine (BCcampus) This webinar aims to build our collective skills in…

From  Paula Gaube 0 likes 1 plays

LGBTQ2S+ Students in the Time of COVID: Resilience in the Face of Challenge (May 12)

BCcampus Webinar held on May 12, 2020 at 3:00 pm Pacific Time. Facilitators: Kirstin McLaughlin and Ingrid Handlovsky Host: Robynne Devine (BCcampus) This webinar includes evidence-informed…

From  Paula Gaube 0 likes 10 plays

Building Community & Resilience during COVID-19 (May 13, 2020)

BCcampus Webinar held on May 13, 2020 at 3 PM Pacific Time. Facilitators: Gemma Fraser and Negar Abedi Host: Robynne Devine (BCcampus) This webinar shares some grounding techniques, explores some…

From  Paula Gaube 0 likes 3 plays

Reducing Student Stress – Learning How to Advocate for Yourself (May 5, 2020)

BCcampus Webinar held on May 5, 2020 at 3 PM Pacific Time.Facilitators: Tanysha Klassen and Sarah SegalHost: Robynne Devine (BCcampus) Tanysha Klassen is the Chairperson of the British Columbia…

From  Paula Gaube 0 likes 1 plays

Reducing Student Stress - Tips and Tricks (May 6, 2020)

BCcampus Webinar held on May 6, 2020 at 3 PM Pacific Time. Facilitators: Ross McKerlich and Brenna Clarke Gray Host: Robynne Devine (BCcampus)This webinar discusses tips and tricks to help students…

From  Paula Gaube 0 likes 0 plays

ACE-WIL Virtual Town Hall #3 (April 29, 2020)

Let's Talk About Virtual Internships! What does a meaningful virtual internship look like? How do you provide a positive work experience for students while not being able to meet…

From  Paula Gaube 0 likes 0 plays

Reducing Student Stress – Student Rights – Webinar (April 30, 2020)

BCcampus Webinar held on April 30, 2020 at 3 PM Pacific Time. Facilitators: Duane Seibel and Tracy Ho Host: Robynne Devine (BCcampus) The facilitators address some of the current concerns and…

From  Paula Gaube 0 likes 2 plays

Student Advocates Investing Big in Open Textbooks

Recognizing the substantial savings for students realized through open textbooks, the British Columbia Federation of Students (BCFS) has made a $30,000 contribution to BCcampus Open Education to…

From  acoolidge 0 likes 2 plays